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Microbiology: The Study Of Microbes

Microbiology is the study of organisms too small to be seen without a microscope. These microbes are all around us all the time and while we cannot see them we benefit from them being there. These single cells have all the same components that make up our cells but they can live in many very different environments to us. Microbes can be found at the bottom of the ocean, in the ice frozen in the Antarctica or in a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park where temperatures can be 145 degrees F! They are also found on every part of our bodies some make us sick but mostly they help us. Microbes...

Yeast Cells Help In Study Of Diseases

The research in my laboratory focuses on how cells get the necessary components to grow. We need many things food, water are most important but also sometimes you will need to have a vitamins tablets to help you grow. In these vitamin tablets are many things but one is copper. The same copper that is used in electronics and jewelry is used in your cells to help you survive. So if all human cells need copper, how do they get it and how does copper get to where it needs to be in cells. If humans don't get enough copper or have a condition that changes the levels of copper, we get diseases. So...

Carolina Grandellis

I am a plant biologist, and I study how plants live and survive by doing experiments in the lab. Right now, I am trying to find a cure for a disease that often affects the Citrus trees, which are very important in agriculture.

In my free time, I love to make origami items and I also enjoy traveling a lot and taking Zumba fitness classes after working in the lab. Currently, I am a researcher in plant biology and I work at the Molecular and Biology Institute from Rosario (IBR) in Argentina. 

Tim Mitchell: Chasing My Passion

A flicker of movement catches my eye at the base of a sun-bleached, fallen cedar tree. As the hot Florida sun beats down on my back, I slip in closer and spot my quarry, hiding against the trunk. It relies on its excellent camouflage to hide, but I know right where it is. I carefully position myself, launch my attack, and successfully make the capture! However, my hunting expedition isn’t a traditional one. My quarry is the brown anole lizard. My weapon is an old fishing pole converted into a noose that allows me to harmlessly capture the lizards. And my trophy? Data, and lots of it! This...

Learning About Life Around Us

Today, our planet is home to an absolutely amazing diversity of life. There are giant sequoia trees that tower above most buildings. On the other end of the spectrum, there are trillions of tiny, microscopic, single-celled organisms living inside your body right now. There are many different ways organisms get their energy, many different ways organisms reproduce, and many different environments organisms call home. And what’s truly remarkable about all this diversity? It has a common origin. All life on earth is related to each other. Life began once, about 3.8 billion years ago, and it has...

Lizard Lab: How We Learn About The World

I work with a team of biologists, and we spend hour after hour, day after day, in the hot and muggy Florida sun, relentlessly hunting down lizards. And why do we do this? We are collecting data to advance our understanding of how the environment influences the lizard populations, which teaches us things about ecology and evolution. In general, our research starts with a series of very small, man-made islands along a river in Florida. They are small enough that we can capture all the lizards on the island, which means we can track their survival through time, and figure out how many offspring...

Tim Mitchell

I am a biologist primarily interested in evolutionary ecology and organismal biology, and much of my research occurs out in nature. I like sharing my research with scientists through talks and papers, but also like sharing the research experience with the public (particularly K-12 students). Hence, I spend a fair bit of time in the classroom and bringing students out of the classroom and into the field. I also very much enjoy college-level teaching and mentoring of undergraduates in biology research.


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