Pioneer in the field of Biomaterials and one of twelve Institute Professors at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Dr. Robert Langer runs a lab of over 150 researchers -- considered the largest biomedical engineering center in the world. Dr. Langer's life is an inspiration that even if one takes time finding their passion and there are setbacks, it is important never to give up.


El Dr. Robert Langer es un pionero en el campo de los biomateriales y es uno de los doce profesores del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT). Tiene a su cargo un laboratorio con 150 investigadores -- considerado el centro de ingeniería biomédica mas grande del mundo. La vida del Dr. Langer's es una inspiración porque aunque nos tome tiempo encontrar nuestra pasión en la vida  y tengamos tropiezos, es importante nunca rendirse y seguir hacias delante.


29kasharif's picture
29kasharif December 19, 2022 - 10:54am
Hi Robert, i have a question. How Is it possible that A forest Fire can positively affect the atmopshere?
29inbarashko's picture
29inbarashko December 19, 2022 - 10:52am
Have you used anything from the 4 spheres for science like geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, or atmosphere? If so, what was or were the materials?