How To Have A Sustainable Holiday Season

Dec 24, 2023 By Medha K, Writer Intern
Medha Kotapati's picture

The holiday season brings countless memories of joy and happiness shared with family and friends.

In this excitement, we can easily get wrapped up in the new gifts we receive without realizing the potentially negative impacts to our environment. Many people though, hope to lead a more sustainable holiday season, but what exactly does that mean?

Well, to be more sustainable, you can find ways to reduce waste and minimize engaging in practices that strip our environment of resources. Being more sustainable can ensure a stable future where Earth's resources are not excessively consumed.

Why Switch to Sustainability?

Taking on a sustainable approach during the holidays is increasingly important because this time of year brings about an increase in food and paper waste by 25-30%.

According to, wasted food accounts for 8% of total greenhouse gasses globally; and as it rots in landfills, it emits methane gas which is more harmful to our environment than CO₂.

Wasteful practices such as the excess use of wrapping paper, packaging, and cards also contribute to the decline of our environment. Every year in the US, 2.65 billion Christmas cards are sold - that’s enough to fill a space as big as a football field up to ten stories high!

Essentially, during the holiday season gifts, decorations, and food are a staple in celebrations, but it can also lead to unintentional consequences to our planet's well-being if not properly addressed.

Strategic Solutions

There are many ways to effectively manage accidental wasteful practices during this season. In terms of gift-giving, everyone wants to give a meaningful gift, and by focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of a present, you can save the environment while also being thoughtful.

This can be done by gifting an experience such as concert tickets. Another way is to collaborate with friends and family to pitch in to buy a gift that a loved one truly needs or wants.

To reduce waste when preparing the gift, it’s best to minimize packaging or reuse gift bags. Use biodegradable or recyclable wrapping paper when available. Stringing lights during Christmas or any other holiday is a great way to add festivity, but it can unfortunately lead to an additional 2 million tons of carbon emissions.

To switch to more sustainable decorations, create your own at home with family and friends, or use LED lights to save energy and the Earth.

To decrease food waste this holiday season, planning ahead to ensure the perfect amount of food is prepared can come in handy. Sharing delicious food with your family and friends and encouraging them to indulge in leftovers can also be an effective way to reduce food waste.

Taking these steps in the different areas that add to the joy of the holidays can establish environmentally sustainable practices that will soon become a part of the regular celebratory routine!


Although the holiday season calls upon following a set of nostalgic patterns and traditions, it’s imperative to begin the transition toward sustainability.

The impacts of holidays tend to go unnoticed, but by raising awareness and taking steps to address them, we can minimize the effects on our environment. Small changes can compound to create a future where everyone can continue to participate and engage in festivities without worrying about the safety of our Earth!

Sources: WWF,,,