All About Cats

May 12, 2012 By Jennah, 8
JENNAH H_C's picture

Cats are great animals. Some are really playful; some are cuddly, and some are lazy while others are independent.

Did you know that cats have many breeds; at least about a hundred? That is a lot of breeds! They are defined into different breeds by color, pattern, and personalities. So, they must come in a wide variety in colors, patterns, and personalities! Here are some breeds with their special traits:

  • Turkish Van: likes to swim
  • Ragdoll: easy going, likes to sit in your lap
  • Persian: laid back, likes to be held
  • Maine Coon: good with its paws
  • Scottish Fold: very smart
  • Siamese: graceful, playful
  • Abyssinian: regal, learns tricks easily
  • Tonkinese: friendly, loves playing games
  • Ocicat: doesn’t like to be left alone, learns tricks easily
  • LaPerm: affectionate, very active, but makes a great lap cat

Most indoor house cats live between twelve to fourteen years. The record for the oldest cat was thirty-eight years. When cats fall, they almost always land on their paws even when it is a big fall. I have two kittens. When one fell from the highest floor to the main floor, she landed on her paws without a single injury or tiny bruise. That is pretty cool!

Some superstitions regarding cats:

Some say that if you see a white cat at night it is considered bad luck. But on the other hand, dreaming about a white cat is considered good luck! If a strange black cat appears on your porch, riches are about to come your way. A cat sleeping with all paws tucked underneath means cold weather is coming. If crossing a stream carrying a cat, this action is considered to bring you bad luck. Some say hearing a cat sneeze is good luck. Now this is a strange one…. Some believe that if you see a one-eyed cat, you should spit on your thumb, stamp it in the palm of your hand and make a wish; for it shall come true. Also, it is said that every black cat has a white hair and if found will bring you luck! I personally don’t believe in superstitions but these are some interesting beliefs regarding cats.

Things you should never do to a cat:

You should never startle a cat that is sleeping. Also, make sure that you never chase a cat that is running away from you. Never corner a cat. When a kitty hisses, make sure you back off!

Kitty games:

Pompoms: Cats love to play with pompoms. They are perfect toy balls because it is made of string and is soft.

Kit fitness: Cats can work out and play at the same time when they play this. This is like an exercise area for cats; they can run around and stuff. This can be made with chairs, other furniture and rugs.


Aiden.h's picture
Aiden.h October 25, 2021 - 7:44am
nanny2015's picture
nanny2015 May 5, 2015 - 5:09pm

Wow, now that's what I Call Imformathion!

Lily10's picture
Lily10 October 1, 2015 - 7:14pm
I know right
avelinab's picture
avelinab February 27, 2015 - 11:18am

I love cats. My teacher also loves cats very much too.My teacher has 4 cats they are very cute.One also wears little dippers they are really cute.sooooooooooo cute.

sydneym5's picture
sydneym5 October 30, 2014 - 11:17am

I love cats so this was interesting I have two cats.

janellep's picture
janellep October 1, 2014 - 5:25pm

This article is good, because if people want to buy a cat people would know what to do and what kind of breed they want. I think the superstitions are real. I mean seeing a white cat at night can give you bad luck? I think it will give you bad luck only for a minute or two. This article will be super helpful for a person who would like to adopt a cat/kitty, and this article shows most of the breeds. So people would know which kind of cat to get and take care of his or her pet.

sarchita's picture
sarchita July 31, 2013 - 4:27pm
Wow weird superstitions I learned a lot about cats from this article but I love dogs more!
Rayan1's picture
Rayan1 July 29, 2013 - 5:49pm

i have a very lazy cat

Rafah's picture
Rafah July 22, 2013 - 6:18pm

I <3 cats

i have a cat

Rayan1's picture
Rayan1 August 5, 2013 - 10:48am

yeah we have a noghty
lazy cat

Eliana29's picture
Eliana29 July 12, 2013 - 1:07pm

does any one have a cat if you do what's it's name?

cana's picture
cana May 22, 2013 - 11:53am

cool i read half so far

Tressa's picture
Tressa February 5, 2013 - 3:21pm
Nice article. I didn't know any of those superstitions the only one I know about cats is if a black cat crosses your path its bad luck.
JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C July 12, 2012 - 12:41pm

well, first let them sniff you and if it seems safe that it won't bite go ahead! don't just be like "OOOOO KITTY!" and pet it because it might bite you.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C June 2, 2012 - 1:32pm

aw. wa wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C June 2, 2012 - 1:42pm

nu uh!
people have their own opinions. so dont make it a fact. everyone and everything was created at normal level. you can think dogs are better but it is not a fact. okay? and besides, if we say cats are awesome, it does not mean we are saying they are better. you can think that dogs are better but it is not true. you can think cats are better but it is not true. they are opinions not facts. not cool. it is kind of like saying judaism is better than christianity. not true. none are better. they are just religions. and they are just animals. they are all equal and none of them are better. why do you think that dogs are better? that is like saying fish are better than birds. or camps are better than school. false. false. they are all only opinions and will never ever become facts. seriously.

Tessa's picture
Tessa September 13, 2012 - 7:22am

She's right, ryanc.

marian winslow's picture
marian winslow May 26, 2012 - 10:06am

i cannot say i like cats. in fact i really do not like them. i am MUCH more of a dog person. i did like your article, though. it was well written.

Lauren Ketchum's picture
Lauren Ketchum May 23, 2012 - 2:19am

I love it...
I learned more about cats...
The sad thing is that I am allergic to them.
And I don't really like them.

evenstar13's picture
evenstar13 May 19, 2012 - 10:59am

I never knew that cats are such amazing creatures. I usually thought they are all lazy and aggressive.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C July 12, 2012 - 12:38pm

well then, now you know.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 19, 2012 - 9:28am


sb2's picture
sb2 May 17, 2012 - 6:52pm

I watched a video about maine coons. They seem really active and playful!
Good review! I learnt a lot about cats.

writergirl's picture
writergirl May 17, 2012 - 2:39pm

i have indoor cats and outdoor cats. our indoor cats (we have two) are thirteen and fourteen. our outdoor cats... i don't know all the ages. right now, we have five cats and nine kittens.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 17, 2012 - 10:22am

Most of the time, not always. r u sure it's a siamese???

tarav21's picture
tarav21 May 15, 2012 - 12:36pm

i have a cat! named Fat Louie. He is black. not sure what kind though.

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 14, 2012 - 4:50pm

thanks. and RAPTORMAN2012:

Rachel Catherine's picture
Rachel Catherine May 14, 2012 - 12:00pm

Good job. Very good writing for an 8 year old. Keep up the great work!

Raptorman2012's picture
Raptorman2012 May 14, 2012 - 12:15am

You must love cats eh?

katieb's picture
katieb May 13, 2012 - 2:55pm

!!!!!!!!!!I love cats! I have Burmese kitties! They are bluish gray, Non- allergic, and super sweet! Known as the velcro cat, Burmese kitties sleep by you and are always near a person. Every morning, i wake up to my kitties sleeping with me!!! Cuties!

FARAHROX's picture
FARAHROX May 13, 2012 - 12:16pm

And love ur cats and this article

FARAHROX's picture
FARAHROX May 13, 2012 - 12:16pm

What's a breed?

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 14, 2012 - 4:37am

A breed is. Well. Oh a breed is you know how I wrote Maine coon, rag doll, and yeah? So those are breeds. They are chosen by personality and stuff. They are separated in the different types called breeds. Way of grouping by certain personality and traits within a specie.

FARAHROX's picture
FARAHROX May 14, 2012 - 3:03pm

Ok thanks jennah

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 17, 2012 - 10:21am

ur welcome. anyday

FARAHROX's picture
FARAHROX May 17, 2012 - 3:08pm

Why aren't u in school Jennah

JENNAH H_C's picture
JENNAH H_C May 19, 2012 - 9:29am

do you really want strep throat??? seriously! it can KILL you! contagious! happy???

adella's picture
adella May 13, 2012 - 6:29am
Those were some interesting superstitions.
Clara Roberts's picture
Clara Roberts May 12, 2012 - 5:00pm

I love it JENNAH!
You are so creative in your writing!
I even learned more stuff about cats!