I can't even do a pushup.....maby if I try.
Wouldnt his finger break
that is really cool he did so many wouldn't it hurt
WOW... that is impressive. What language was that? Portuguese, Chinese? Italian!??
That looks really hard.
This would hurt me very badly. I can't imagine what it would be like to do that. He has to be very strong to do that. He did look very muscular.
only if i could do that.
Wow! I wonder how he does that?
I wonder what language their speaking it has to be Portuguese or Italian but I think it is portuguese
Wow if I would of done that I would brake my finger. I got to say that was impressing, the reason it is impressing is because I have never heard or seen the longest finger push ups ever.
He must be very strong to do that with 1 finger...:|
I bet that hurt alot.
Oh my gosh that is amazing!!!!!!!
OH GOD I don't think I'd be able to stand that! It's did he do this without breaking his finger?