oh my god, this is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good because who likes mosquitoes em I right
I think they should make it to were they can't hurt us humans so their life goes on.
cool hate to live there though
I don't want to live there!
That would be epic if those modified mosquitoes did kill the population!
lets use bats to our advantage
I don't get how it is possible
those are deadly how are they deadly
If this succeeds mankind would be stronger than nature and let's hope it doesn't go wrong
yes that will destroy our ecosystem. but there is not many animals that eat mosquitoes. so yes there would be a corruption in the ecosystem but we would just breed more helpful animals and re breed animals that ate mosquitoes but just make it so their second tier consumers again.
i think that that is cool so that we have no more moquitos i hate them when they bite
I do not like the idea of modifying animals or plants at all, I don't think they got the moral to world war z :b
This is not ok. Only God can create stuff. Not human and also what if it goes wrong. Bad stuff will happen.
as annoying and deadly as skeeters can be, if God created them, they have a purpose. So we may not see it, but there could be consequences. So I agree
agreed too.
i agree
Their still allive
Genetically modifying mosquitoes is probably not the best idea one the process of modifying them could go wrong.
two if they are removed from earth it cause and over populate flies and insects that are totally useless.
Yay they're going to be gone. :-P :-D Bye bye:-)
Hopefully everything works out and they get this solution going right away.
this is great!! if it spreads to the rest of the world?there will be no more transmitted diseases!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not that smart because the moscitoes can just bite people till thay are all extinct
Actually, a mosquito only takes a very small amount of blood from the animals it bites. As well, by the time mosquitoes evolve to the point of being a legitimate threat to humanity, we will most likely have either adapted a natural counter-adaptation or devised something by ourselves; humans are, after all, some of the craftiest creatures on Earth.
what if that effects the animals the mainly eat Mosquitos? Why can't they just use something that takes out the poison in them? It's really not safe to muddle with nature, in my opinion this genetically modified Mosquitos is risky.
That's so great! I hate mosquitos so I hope this works!
That’s what it looks like. But it doesn’t seem thought through that well; once mosquitoes stop existing, the ecosystem will start to collapse. Think of it as a puzzle where you have to remove something from a pedestal, only when it’s removed, tge cave or building it’s in will crumble.. In other words, the animals that eat mosquitoes will start to die off from lack of prey, and then their predators will die out, and so on until the ecosystem becomes damaged beyond repair. Of course, if they were to somehow modify the mosquitoes to carry nutrients instead, or if they had an alternative to wiping them out, then pretty much everything I stated above will be averted.