Satellites Help In Natural Disasters

May 13, 2011 By Deepa Gopal
Deepa Gopal's picture


ashleym's picture
ashleym May 28, 2011 - 6:39am

AWESOME. But I hope that doesn't happen again!

ashleym's picture
ashleym May 27, 2011 - 4:49am
Oh and Rebecca- we did???
rebeccac's picture
rebeccac May 26, 2011 - 6:58pm
I recently did a school project on natural disasters.
kenn's picture
kenn May 26, 2011 - 1:55pm
Very interesting.
sierrar's picture
sierrar May 24, 2011 - 5:36pm

interesting I agree pipsqueak. But it helps so horah.