this is so eco friendly too!
grassy epic
JENNA H_C i agree
I think it's a bit odd to make a "fake lawn", but is also kind of funny.
Since the drout in calafornia this is Very VERY VERY *cough* good
That is neat.
I agree it looks like it's hurting the grass, but my friend says that since we live in California and were in a serious drought, it's better so we don't have to water our lawns everyday and that schools should have them.
that is weird and I don't think it is eco friendly :-(
good method
Doesn't this hurt the grass?
Wow that is a good idea I wonder who came up with that?
This is such a great method!
this is so eco friendly. I cant believe I am the first one to comment!
i have a feeling that this is terrible for the grass. its like me painting my teeth white and saying i brushed them