South Sudan Jubillant Over Vote

Jan 9, 2011 By Sri
Sri's picture

The final day of campaigning before a historic referendum is under way in south Sudan, but for many people the future has already been decided.

There is excitement in the air in the capital, Juba, as people look forward to the possibility of a split from the north.


Matthew14's picture
Matthew14 January 20, 2011 - 10:06am
Probably not. When a new nation grows in a world that is changing so quickly, it will be hard to keep up. Just think of it, they need to build a military rather quickly to defend itself against neighbors seeking to get the new nations resources. If it does last, it will be very hard to even get prosperous.
Arjun's picture
Arjun January 21, 2011 - 4:38pm
Yes, but preventing the split might mean a corrupted and angry country in turmoil. World aid is likely to come to develop the new country. I doubt that anybody will attack the country as that country will get worldwide antagonism.
Arjun's picture
Arjun January 18, 2011 - 7:55pm
Maybe this is progress, and maybe it will bring prosperity and development. Maybe.