U Joke

Nov 20, 2010 By Youngzine Members
Sri's picture

This is a growing collection of jokes submitted by Youngzine members, and one (updated daily) from kids around the world.

Do you know a good joke? Share it with everyone below! Also, feel free to comment on others' jokes!

Note: Please write it in your own words, rather than copy the text from somewhere.

Also, do not repeat jokes that have been said before. You can look back at all previous ones. New and different jokes keep it interesting for the readers!



marian winslow's picture
marian winslow May 9, 2014 - 3:39pm

What do you call a fake noodle?

Answer: An impasta!

Naia.'s picture
Naia. May 11, 2014 - 1:56pm

Good one!

marian winslow's picture
marian winslow May 9, 2014 - 3:37pm

Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie in his Pixar collection but one : He's never gonna give you Up. ;)

Waker of the Winds's picture
Waker of the Winds June 11, 2014 - 10:50pm

Haha! That's a nice one!

Naia.'s picture
Naia. May 7, 2014 - 1:43pm
Here's a riddle: What's more powerful than god, More evil than the devil, Rich people want it, Poor people have it, If you eat it you'll die? Answer: Nothing :) Get it?
Naia.'s picture
Naia. May 24, 2014 - 8:00am
Nothing is more powerful than god, Nothing is more than a devil, Rich people want nothing, (they already have everything!) Poor people have nothing, If you eat nothing you'll die. Does everyone get it now?
cana's picture
cana May 14, 2014 - 2:33pm

How is that more powerful then god?

ali_z_405's picture
ali_z_405 June 3, 2014 - 9:04am
It's basically saying that nothing is more powerful than God.
Adithya1's picture
Adithya1 May 1, 2014 - 8:57pm

What is a virus's favorite test?

The common cold!

Warisha's picture
Warisha May 1, 2014 - 2:21pm

Ha, nice one!!

Warisha's picture
Warisha May 1, 2014 - 2:22pm


Warisha's picture
Warisha May 1, 2014 - 2:21pm

nice 1!

Warisha's picture
Warisha April 29, 2014 - 2:45pm

Person 1: Are you smart?
Person 2: Yeah!!
Person 1: Then spell it!
Person 2: S-M-A-R-T!
Person 1: Wrong...I said Spell "IT"!!
Get it?? ;)

Naia.'s picture
Naia. May 7, 2014 - 1:38pm
Ha! That's such a great one!!! :)))
PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 29, 2014 - 9:58pm


Warisha's picture
Warisha April 30, 2014 - 1:59pm
Warisha's picture
Warisha September 8, 2014 - 2:29pm

haha nice!!

belchboy321's picture
belchboy321 April 26, 2014 - 10:36am

Ha Ha! I had to look at it for about and hour to find out the meaning very funny

Lily Lotus's picture
Lily Lotus April 25, 2014 - 5:38pm

Here is a joke from a book I like

Cheryl: Would be mad at me for something I didn't do?
Teacher: No
Cheryl: Good, because I didn't do my homework

Funny huh?

Sindhu's picture
Sindhu April 25, 2014 - 9:24am

I've heard this joke somewhere-

Q. Why did the photo go to jail?
A. Because it was framed!

Get it?

Warisha's picture
Warisha April 29, 2014 - 2:46pm


PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 25, 2014 - 2:12pm
nice! yes I get it!
Katie12345678's picture
Katie12345678 April 21, 2014 - 11:11am

what cracks up when you say it


PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 21, 2014 - 8:07pm
nice one!
PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 19, 2014 - 9:10am
why did the pig go into the kitchen? because he wanted to start bacon!
Sindhu's picture
Sindhu April 26, 2014 - 10:59pm

Haha! That's a nice one! :)

adithin's picture
adithin April 15, 2014 - 11:48am

A guy wants to put 100 dollars in his bank account. . .

Bank Cashier: Sir this is a fake note. We don't allow them.

Guy: Am I putting it in your account?! Just put it in!

Lily Lotus's picture
Lily Lotus April 25, 2014 - 5:39pm

Why Fart?

matthewx's picture
matthewx April 12, 2014 - 4:33pm

yeah I saw it in a magazine to

Warisha's picture
Warisha April 7, 2014 - 4:15pm

Q: Why do mother kangaroos dislike the rain?
A: Because the kids have to play INSIDE!!!
get it?

ciaobella's picture
ciaobella April 15, 2014 - 3:37pm


Warisha's picture
Warisha April 10, 2014 - 4:51pm

Thanks! :)

Lucia's picture
Lucia April 8, 2014 - 8:05am

I get it.

Warisha's picture
Warisha April 8, 2014 - 2:58pm
PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 4, 2014 - 9:40pm

what do baseball and pancakes have in common?

Lucia's picture
Lucia April 7, 2014 - 3:02pm

I don't know, what?

PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 8, 2014 - 6:07am

they both have a batter!

emilyb10's picture
emilyb10 April 4, 2014 - 10:35am
Whats your name (your name) whats the color of the sky (blue) Whats the opposite of down (up) Who is your mortal enemy ( the person you hates name) get it say all the answers together!!!!!! hahahahahah
matthewx's picture
matthewx April 12, 2014 - 4:34pm

good one!!

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 April 5, 2014 - 8:47am
I ssooooo get it! Its sooo cool I played it on my friend and he laughed so hard, he started to cry!
Warisha's picture
Warisha April 4, 2014 - 4:22pm
OMG!! I get it....that's so so so COOL!!!!!!!!
Warisha's picture
Warisha April 2, 2014 - 6:09pm

I can make you say blue. (you say, no you can't)
What's the color of grass? ( you say green)
What color is the sun? ( you say yellow or orange)
What is the color of dirt?( you say brown)
ha see i told you i can make you say brown! ( you say no...you said the color BLUE)
get it you said the color!!!

PacMan512's picture
PacMan512 April 4, 2014 - 9:40pm

that is a good one but I have heard it before!

ciaobella's picture
ciaobella April 15, 2014 - 5:34pm

Probably because this is a kid site, but maybe I'm wrong.

Warisha's picture
Warisha April 2, 2014 - 6:10pm

awww....was it painful?

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 March 30, 2014 - 5:39pm

Whats your name?You say your name
[This isn't the same joke as editor ctct]
What is the color of the sky?you say blue
What is the oppsite of down?you say up
[Your name] blue up!
Get it?
Think about it:-)

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 March 30, 2014 - 5:07pm

Q: What did the duck do after he read all these jokes?
A: He quacked up!

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 March 30, 2014 - 5:07pm

Q: What has fangs and webbed feet?
A: Count Duckula

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 March 30, 2014 - 5:07pm

Q: What do you get if you cross fireworks with a duck?
A: A firequacker!

anishkuma08's picture
anishkuma08 March 30, 2014 - 5:06pm

Q: What do you call a crate full of ducks?
A: A box of quackers!
